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285 thousand new hires expected August, the difficulty in recruiting the figures sought reaches 41.6%

285 thousand is the number of workers sought by companies for the month of August and it increases to about 1.3 million for the entire August-October trimester. Compared to a year ago, there is growth in company forecasts with +27 thousand new hires planned in the month (+10.8%) and +70 thousand units in the trimester (+5.7%). The economic comparison with respect to the previous month shows a decline in the demand for work due to the natural seasonality (-221 thousand inflow).

The industry as a whole is seeking 81 thousand professional profiles, of which 55 thousand to be employed in manufacturing and 26 thousand in construction. Services as a whole plan an inflow of 204 thousand. The difficulty in recruiting declared by the companies regards a total of 41.6% of planned new hires (8.9 percentage points more than last year). Emerging among the sectors that encounter the greatest criticalities are the metallurgical and metal products industries (55.6% of the profiles difficult to recruit), the wood and furniture industries (53.7%) and construction (52.7%).
