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446 thousand hirings expected by companies in April and 1.5 million by June

There are more than 446 thousand hiring contracts (lasting more than one month or permanent) planned by companies in April and over 1.5 million for the April-June quarter, with a slight increase of around 3 thousand units compared to April 2023 (+0.7%) and a decline of over 46 thousand units on the corresponding quarter (-3.0%). Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees plan 64.5% of the total hirings expected for the month of April, while medium-sized businesses in the 50-250 employee class plan 18.9% and medium-large businesses with over 250 employees the remaining 16.6%. In April, 47.8% of the staff sought by companies were difficult to find (in line with the values of the first months of 2024 and +2.6 p.p. compared to a year ago). The demand for immigrant workers is significant, amounting to around 88 thousand hirings scheduled in the month (19.8% of the total). 

More details can be found on link below
